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How we work

Each project is unique and has its particular needs and challenges. Each context needs its own implementation model.


Over the years we have developed various learning programmes, for pre-schools, playgroups and home-based learning. AmazingBrainz programmes are specifically designed for the southern African context and cater for rural and marginalised communities, as well as highly resourced contexts.



We begin each project with a needs analysis to determine the best solution. This establishes the context, and determines the available resources and the needs of various role-players.

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It is also essential to our way of working to involve all role-players on the ground to ensure buy-in and long-term viability of a project after we have exited.  Role-players include everyone from beneficiaries to funders, to local government and so on. 

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We then prepare a project design and propose an implementation plan with expected timelines.  This provides a further platform for discussion with the donor and project partners. Together, we decide what is realistic and confirm the budget. 

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Formal agreements are put in place.

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Project plans are launched within the community.

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Logistics are arranged cooperatively with beneficiaries.

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Training can now take place.  This involves regular intensive sessions which are both theoretical and practical, and is supported by on-site mentoring and coaching

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Ongoing monitoring occurs throughout as part of project management, and regular reporting helps to ensure a cycle of continual evaluation, adjustment and improved implementation. 

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Learning programmes

Our multi-disciplinary team has developed various brain stimulation programmes; each suited to a particular context and model of implementation. The daily activities in the learning programmes are structured in such a way that performance components (the building blocks of brain development), and milestones are stimulated at the correct time and frequency. Learning programmes are also aligned with NELDS and ELDAs standards.

Each AmazingBrainz learning programme is accompanied by the following tools, adapted for each context and each age group:

Pre-school Learning Programme I

This Learning Programme consists of 200 play-based activities each year for each age group from 2 to 5 years (600 activities in total).


One directed activity is implemented with the children in the pre-school each day, structured over a 40-week school year.  Available in English and Afrikaans.

Pre-school Learning Programme II

This Learning Programme consists of 400 play-based activities each year for each age group from 2 to 5 years (1,200 activities in total).


Two directed activities are implemented with the children in the pre-school each day, structured over a 40-week school year. Available in English and Afrikaans.

Playgroup Learning Programme for Informal Playgroups

These playgroups are made up of small groups of children of any age from 3 months to 5 years.


This Learning Programme consists of 75 activities for each age group (375 activities in total). One directed play-based activity is implemented with the children in the playgroup each day, repeated three times during a year. Available in English.

Early Childhood Stimulation Programme for 0–2-Year-Olds

This Learning Programme was developed for babies and toddlers aged 3 months to 2 years who are in small groups with caregivers at pre-schools, or at home.


Activities are sensory-based (visual, auditory, tactile, olfactory, vestibular system and proprioception). These sensory building blocks form the foundation for milestones that build on one another over the next five years of a child’s life.


Activities are play-based, age appropriate and divided into the following age-groups: 3-6-months, 6-9-months, 9-12-months and 12-24-months. Available in English and Afrikaans.

Home-based Early Learning Programme

This learning programme caters for parents who would like to provide holistic stimulation and optimal brain development for their children at home.


Two or three pre-planned, play-based activities are provided for children each day, structured over a 40-week school year. Parents can choose one, or all of the activities, depending on the amount of time they have available.


This product is currently under development. Learning programmes for children aged 3-months to 3-years will be available in 2024. Learning programmes for children aged 3 to 5 will be available at a later stage. If you are interested in the AmazingBrainz home-based learning programme, please contact us for more information. Will be available in English and Afrikaans. 


Training programmes

An essential part of the AmazingBrainz approach is to train and mentor early childhood educators to equip them to implement our age-appropriate learning programmes effectively, and to manage their ECD centres well. We offer various training solutions, depending on the needs of the educator. We are also accredited as a Skills Development Provider to the QCTO (Quality Council for Trades and Occupations).

SmartTeaching Certificate Training for Pre-school Teachers

This training programme consists of 26 modules and is aimed at pre-school or playgroup teachers of any age-group from 3 months to 5 years.


Training is presented as weekly 3-hour workshops for 26 weeks when we train large groups of no more than 20 teachers. Where we train much smaller groups, training can be presented in 2 clusters of 4 full days each. Both formats are supported by regular on-site mentoring and coaching for teachers at their schools.


Optional upskilling training can be provided to these graduates approximately 12 months after the initial training to refresh knowledge, and provide more advanced skills.

SmartTeaching Certificate Training for Pre-school Principals

The content of this course covers aspects of management, from staff to budgeting, as well as self management, time management, and life-long learning.  The importance of a principal's role in building relationships with parents and other role-players in the community is a fundamental aspect of this training. 

Early Childhood Development Practitioner Training: NQF Level 4

We are an accredited service provider with the QCTO (Quality Council for Trades and Occupations) and this training course is accredited by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) and is offered online.  To find out more, please contact us here:


Continuous observations

AmazingBrainz teachers perform daily observations for each activity and for each child in their class according to two or three pre-determined milestones.


This helps teachers to quickly pick up areas a child may need more support in; she can then give individual attention to practice that particular milestone, or possibly advise parents to seek further therapeutic support for a child where necessary.


In addition, teachers use this daily information to compile biannual reports to parents to provide an accurate overview
of a child's progress.

AmazingBrainz Assessment Tool

With input from a multi-disciplinary team, we have developed our own measurement and assessment tools for each age-group from 2-5, incorporating aspects from all disciplines of child development to assess over 50 milestones, from physical and emotional aspects, to linguistic, auditive and cognitive development.


Assessments to determine where a child is on the development spectrum can be done by specialised therapists such as educational psychologists and occupational therapists, but such testing is expensive, time consuming and limited to a particular field of expertise.

AmazingBrainz assessment tool

AmazingBrainz assessments can be done by an appropriately trained graduate in less than an hour, in a way that is easy to use and implement on-site at our network pre-schools and playgroups.



Help us make an impact

Become a social investor

If you are interested in partnering with AmazingBrainz to fund a project, please contact us at to set up an appointment, or to receive a company handout with more information.


AmazingBrainz is a registered NPC with audited financial statements available on request. We are able to issue Section 18A tax certificates for donations received and we are a B-BBEE Level 1 contributor.  

AmzingBrainz social investment

Make a donation

Most of the educators we train, and the pre-schools we support, cannot afford the services we provide. We partner with companies, churches, families and individuals to implement the AmazingBrainz approach in pre-schools throughout South Africa.

AmazingBrainz beneficiaries
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per year

Depending on the project, implementation costs in the
order of R1,500 per child,
per year, for 2 years.

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per month

Depending on the project, implementation costs in the
order of R125 per child,
per month, for 24 months.

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Depending on the context and the age-group, a toolkit of educational apparatus, storybooks, posters and music, costs in the order of R3,500 per teacher, once-off.

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Any amount


Research & development lies
at the core of what we do.
A donation of your choice allows
us to pool your contribution

with other donations to
make a collective effort.

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Any amount


Overhead costs are a reality. 

A donation of your choice allows

us to continue to provide the

support needed to make

sustained and meaningful impact on the ground.

Thank you for considering a donation to AmazingBrainz. All funds received are used to further early childhood interventions in deserving communities. If you would like a Section 18A tax certificate issued for your donation, please e-mail your proof of payment and contact details to

You can donate via EFT or SnapScan. Please contact us for our banking details, or scan here to pay:

AmazingBrainz SnapScan

© 2024 AmazingBrainz is a registered NPC (2008/013027/08), PBO (930025433) and B-BBEE Level 1 contributor

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